Code of Behaviour

Code of Behaviour

UK Film School – Code Of Behaviour

In order to provide the best possible experience for everyone who attends our Film School we have a Code of Behaviour that all our team and students agree to.

This form should be read and agreed by the student.

Expected behaviour

Students will be expected to show responsible behaviour whilst respecting the rights and individuality of the other participants of the residential. Please be considerate with the language you use and always be aware of your surroundings.

Rules and regulations

  • No form of bullying or abuse will be tolerated
  • Students are expected to be punctual and to attend and participate in all timetabled activities
  • Ensure your actions will not cause offence or could be misinterpreted
  • No swearing
  • Seat belts must be worn at all times while in a vehicle
  • No entry into each others rooms
  • No smoking or consumption of alcohol is permitted.
  • No consumption of illegal substances is permitted.
  • An age appropriate ‘lights out’ time will be agreed by the group and adhered to

3 Strike System

We operate a 3 strike system to give a fair approach to behaviour management. In the instance of minor rules being broken we follow the guidelines below:

  • Strike 1 – Verbal Warning
  • Strike 2 – 2nd Verbal Warning & Call home
  • Strike 3 – Student is not allowed to continue with the course, and parents will be asked to collect

Serious Incidents of misbehaviour

In the event of serious incidents of misbehaviour, such as fighting, bullying, theft, racial abuse or the use of illegal substances students will not be allowed to continue with the course.

During the Residential

During the residential our team may explain some additional rules and regulations that will apply to activities currently being planned.  It is expected that students will adhere to them for their own health and safety, and that of other staff and students.


  1. I have read the information presented in this code of behaviour and agree to adhere to the rules and regulations listed.
  2. I also agree to adhere to any additional rules and regulations explained to me during the residential.
  3. I understand that I will not be allowed to continue on the residential in the event of serious misbehaviour on my part.
  4. Parent/Guardian- I understand that I may be asked to collect the student early from the course in the instance of misbehaviour.

Please note that the deadline for receipt of all student information forms and balance of payment is four weeks prior to the course.